We’re Moving!

All done! All content has now been moved over to mellindi.com!

So, you may have noticed this blog has been super quiet for the past couple of months. This is mainly cause I’ve been spending most of my creative time on Tumblr and on my other blog where I post my sim stories.

Speaking of this other blog of mine, (this is where the moving announcement comes in to play) all posts on Notes in Simlish will be moving over to mellindi.com!

I’ve been thinking on this for awhile now and as much as I hate to admit it, running two blogs (three if you count Tumblr) was becoming a bit of a hassle, so this will make it much easier for me to stay on top of comments and questions (for all of my blogs) and post new content more frequently.

BTW, if you’re signed up for email notifications on this blog, be sure to sign up on mellindi.com so you don’t miss any new posts.

I’ll start moving content from this site over to the new site soon but don’t worry if you start noticing things aren’t where they used to be. I’ll be leaving redirect links everywhere so that everything will be easy to find.

I have some great ideas for articles that I can’t wait to share with y’all so I look forward to seeing you over at Notes In Simlish’s new home, mellindi.com.

Happy Holidays! ♥


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